Mechanics is the field in which Titanmed expresses its excellence the most. Titanmed's personnel's natural bent towards seeking perfection, combined with the efficiency of the machinery and quality of the raw materials allowed the company to reach outstanding quality standards, difficult to encounter on the worldwide implant scene.
Not only do the quality standards of Titanmed mechanic precision meet the requirements of EC regulation 93/42, but above all, they are compliant with the standards required by the Titanmed Production Protocol.
The excellence in Titanmed's mechanical performance is not an abstract concept, but rather is tangible, noticeable, not just in the strictness of its standards, but also proven by the constance of their application.
For example, the guarantee of the 5 µ tolerance on the measurement of the hexagon of each implant meets the Titanmed standard on precision of the coupling between implants and prosthetic parts: the lower the tolerance, the greater the precision of coupling and as a consequence, the more functional the coupled components are.
Another admirable example of the capabilities of Titanmed's mechanical performance is the “Integral Broach”, brilliant outcome of the joint efforts of the Production and Design teams. By "broach" we mean the operation that makes the hexagonal female connection to the inside of the implant or in the head of the screws, and the adjective "integral" indicates that absolutely no trace is left by the tool that carries out the pre-boring of the connection. The value of a perfectly performed broach is crucial because a female hexagon with perfectly flat faces offers maximum precision in coupling. In the case of a hexagon inside the implant, a perfect broaching allows for maximum stability and absolute precision in coupling with the prosthetic part, while in the screws it guarantees absolute hold to the screw torques of the screwdriver, reducing the chance of crumbling.
Few are the companies worldwide capable of performing the integral broach in implants, while not even one exists that performs it on screws. Titanmed is the only one capable of doing either operation.
The titanium Titanmed uses is certified for medical use, exclusively from North America and of the very best quality, as attested to by the certification of chemical and mechanical analysis.
Titanmed only produces components that are top quality, measurable and verifiable at any time on any individual component that has come from the company's warehouse.